Take your time.
Make a soap bubble.
Look at the soap bubble.
Observe it..
There is a world inside it. Yours?
An inverse world is trapped inside the sphere.
Your city is trapped inside it and is reversed in a mirror universe.
Is just a vision? Can a real city be inversed?
One only needs to flip through Italo Calvino’s The Invisible Cities to realize that the City is this millennium’s work of art. It results from two energies: control, endlessly authorized by the human consortium, and chaos, ancestrally animating human beings. This dichotomy, which is of the Human Being, is the real bug of the city-system. Roads, buildings, parks, drainages, electric nets, underground and overground parkings, postmen’s and buses routes are circuits constituting the real characteristic of the city.
They are improperly habited by Man, who acts striving for order while being stuck to chaos. Atlantis, utopian more than mythological city, challenged human understanding with its perfect structure made of concentric channels. Reality shows how the most impressive cities, past and present, do not bear a comparison with the perfect symmetry of the most banal insect. The only way to save the planet from the automatic destruction of Man’s work is rubbing away everything. To destroy, to grind down, vaporize the error and start again. More calmly, more reflectively, more peacefully.
As if guided by Karms, the City waits for her reincarnation into something else superior and cleaner. Destruction only can dig her a place into the great circle of birth and re birth, which is of all things, divine and mortal.
Incerse City is an NFT for sell on Rarible !
Neoart3 on Rarible: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:807977:0xae1c932a9be49d942240d6ac9255ebbdd2348b25
LINK for the NFT on Rarible